Friday, August 13, 2010

Phoenix Affirmations #12

The last of the Affirmations is...

12. Acting on the faith that we born with a purpose, a vocation that serves to strengthen God's Kingdom and extend God's love.

Sometimes we have the idea that there are a few gifted, heroic folks out there who really make a difference, but that most of us are ordinary slobs who don't really matter.

Nothing could be further from what our faith teaches. Everyone--every single person who has ever lived or ever will live--is important, everyone has amazing potential, and everyone can do something that will make the world better.

Some may be able to advocate for greater justice for all people, or find ways to deal more effectively with disease, poverty, and hunger. Some may be peace-makers, helping people to set aside old hates. Many will have less dramatic, but still vital roles to play in modelling kindness, honesty, integrity, and mercy. To paraphrase Mother Teresa, we cannot always do something great, but we can do something small with great love.

The bottom line is that you are important, so celebrate that. And remember, with that importance comes the power to make a difference, and the responsibility to use that power wisely and compassionately.

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