Friday, February 10, 2012

Love Wins

I got a copy of LOVE WINS for Christmas and finally got the chance to read it. Despite the difficult topics he covers, the book is a quick read thanks to Bell's engaging style and his use of ordinary language rather than theologese.

The idea behind the book is to raise questions about Heaven, Hell, and God's plan of salvation. Bell contends that there are a number of logical contradictions and departures from scripture in the ideas that so many people are used to. He brings out the idea that only Christians go to Heaven, that non-believers are doomed to eternal torment, and that most people are doomed to Hell and proceeds to show not only how mean-spirited they are, but also how non-biblical they are.

I loved this book because of Bell's unflinching, unsentimental, and insightful portrayal of God's love. I am often frustrated by the narrow and judgmental attitudes of many of my fellow Christians. That's not just because I disagree but because those ideas seem so poorly thought out and on such shaky theological ground. Bell points out just where these ideas go wrong better than I am able. He also does so compassionately, not trampling on the faith of those who hold such ideas, but inviting them to a grander and truer picture of God's love, especially as revealed in Jesus.

It's a controversial book, especially in Evangelical Christian circles and I've seen a number of articles, videos, and other books trying to debunk Bell and prop up the old orthodoxy. So far, I haven't seen anything that appears to have looked at his book in depth and with any real understanding.

Do yourself a favor. Don't be frightened away by hysterical warnings or superficial criticisms, this is a book that deserves to be read and discussed. If you're certain you have all the answers already, it will disturb you. If you are honestly seeking to grow in understanding and faith, it will reward you.

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